Never Accept an Insurance Company Settlement Without a Lawyer

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Lawyer

Have you been injured in Las Vegas through no fault of your own? If so, the person who injured you, for instance, in a car accident, will likely use their insurance company. This insurance company will likely offer you a settlement for the damages that occurred like medical bills and automobile damage. This may sound great but it really isn’t…any Las Vegas insurance company settlement you are approached with will very likely be a lowball offer and you certainly won’t get the compensation you deserve. How do you get the compensation you deserve? By hiring a lawyer.

You Will Get More Money

One of the best reasons to get a lawyer involved is that history shows, those who use a lawyer to negotiate a settlement will get more money from the insurance company. Studies also show that the initial offering made by an insurance company is usually only a small fraction of the money that people end up getting when they hire a lawyer. Typically the first offer the insurance company will give you is a “limited time” deal and is often known as the “nuisance value”, which means it is the minimum amount of time that is needed for people to drop the case by law. With a lawyer, however, you will know better than to do that!

You May Have More Injuries

Another reason you should consider hiring a lawyer for this type of situation is that you might have more injuries than first believed. Often times, when involved in something like a car accident, injuries may not present themselves for several months. Insurance companies know this and will try to get the claimant to complete the case before these injuries can show themselves. Again, a lawyer will know that they need to work to make sure their client is in the clear before they will accept any money from the insurance company.

As you can see, it can be a very good idea to contact a lawyer when you are dealing with any insurance settlement. In fact, you can even do this for fee when you choose a lawyer who has a free consultation available. On top of that, you may not have to pay them anything at all unless you win your case. Contact a lawyer today and see how they can help.

If you are dealing with a Las Vegas Insurance Company Settlement and want a second opinion, contact Heshmati & Associates.

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